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Let's discover Croatia
Leaving ERASMUS for a year can be scary and can raise a lot of questions about how it goes. Before applying for DUETI Croatia, I needed a lot of information about going to study abroad and about Croatia. So I went out of my way to be able to contact students from IUT PARIS DESCARTES who had gone to study abroad. I would also like from my blog to facilitate access to information for future Erasmus students looking for information about this particular academic year. Many students have contacted me this year to inquire about DUETI in Croatia. I therefore answer in this article the most frequent questions that have been asked.

How did the selections for DUETI go?The selection is made in two stages. A motivation letter written in the language of study of the university of the targeted country (in general English or Spanish, even German) must be returned, with a CV and administrative documents necessary for registration (photo ID, statement ...). Then there is the interview which is done in a group with other students from all departments combined (TC, GEA, INFO COM, ...). It is a teacher of the IUT who supervises the interview during which the student explains why he wants this destination, what motivates him, ... To choose, the teacher will take into account the notes, the cover letter, CV, and how the interview went (to find out if the student has a good level of English / Spanish / German, their real motivations, their profile, ...).
What skills and experience are required to be selected?To be accepted in ERASMUS you must have a good level in English (or Spanish / German depending on the destination) so that you can attend lessons. It is our English teacher who gives us a certificate certifying a sufficient level of English to go on DUETI.
Who can be selected for a DUETI (student profile, grades, motivation, ...) ?"To start you need a good level in the language of study of the university concerned, for that you must have a certificate from your language teacher. I think everyone has a chance, but someone who has better marks and a better level of language will surely be prioritized over another. The DUETI in Croatia is only accessible to students who have a degree in Marketing Techniques or a degree inCorporate and Administrative Management. At the time of application, the candidate must be registered in the 2nd year of DUT. The candidate will be selected subject to obtaining his DUT.
What are the destinations offered by the IUT Paris Descartes?The IUT of Paris offers several destinations. The destinations are often the same each year but there are sometimes new destinations. Here is the link on which the destinations for the year 2020-2021 are listed.
What is a monthly budget for a year abroad?It all depends on the country, the budget for a year in Japan is not the same as that for a year in Spain. You have to plan for the cost of accommodation (which also depends on whether you have a private accommodation or a university room), food, leisure and travel, and of course the return flight. I could not give a universal cost which would apply to all destinations, but in my case I pay 150 € of rent, about 50 € of charges, 100 to 150 € of food, for leisure it depends on the months, and I paid around € 500 for my return flight (but it is common to return to France several times). I have 230 € of ERASMUS grant per month, suddenly it is clearly not enough to live a year abroad, it is necessary to provide personal funds. Fortunately, being in ERASMUS means that we have no tuition fees to pay to the university of the country concerned, on the other hand there are about 450 € of tuition fees to pay to the IUT but it changes depending on the year. I would say that the most expensive destinations are English-speaking countries and / or outside the U. E (Ireland, CANADA, Japan) with Switzerland. The cheapest are more located in Eastern Europe and the Balkan countries (like Poland, Romania, Latvia, Croatia, ...), the cost of living is very low (accommodation, food, travel, ...).
What do you get at the end of a DUETI year?At the end of a DUETI you have 180 ECTS Credits (it is a bachelor degree level, or a Bac +3 level). For some destinations, the students can choose to make a double degree, as for Canada. So at the end of the double degree you get a license awarded by the university of the chosen country, and your DUETI awarded by the IUT.
How would you define the pace of work there? Is it harder than at the IUT?It all depends on the country in which we live, but the pace is much less intense than that of the IUT Paris Descartes. For my case, I have 6 lessons per week, that's about one lesson per day lasting between 1h30 to 2h. But it's because I'm at university, the functioning of an IUT is completely different. If you have a good level of English, the level of the courses is quite easy, moreover you can choose the courses you want to follow.
Have you encountered any difficulties (adaptation, integration, financial...)?"I had some administrative problems with my European security card and documents given by my host university, but nothing too serious. For integration into my ERASMUS group, that was fine, I have a good level of English which means that I can speak with everyone. Otherwise I wouldn't qualify it as a problem but as something that I hadn't really expected: it's my skin color. In Croatia there are very few black people (or even Arabs, Asians, ...), so I would say that it intrigues people a little to see a West Indian girl walking on the street, shopping, going in college, ... On the other hand, I never suffered from racist acts there, but it's true that I stand out a lot wherever I go. You get used to it very quickly, it's not a big problem.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to answer you.

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